Dustkill is your premier supplier of the most effective and environmental friendly road dust control products you can find anywhere. If you need easy and powerful dust suppression for any type of unpaved road condition, we provide the perfect solution to meet your requirements.

Road Dust Causes Property & Economic Damage

The dispersion of dust on unpaved roadways can results in many disadvantages. Flying dust can present visibility problems to drivers, greatly increasing the possibility of vehicle accidents. In addition, unpaved roadways that are unstable due to the constant dispersion of gravel dust become susceptible to continuous road deterioration. This can result in wasted municipality and county road budget costs. Dispersed road dust can also stunt the growth of crops and damage the exteriors of nearby homes. Fortunately there are easy, efficient and cost effective solutions to control the problem of road dust regardless of the type of surface involved.

Road Dust & Health Concerns

Respiratory problems resulting from the thousands of particulates that fill the air in the aftermath of unpaved road traffic has become an important health concern. Although wind erosion and various types of construction activities generate dust in the lower atmosphere, road dust causes a concentration of air pollution that can directly affect people who live within close proximity to an unpaved roadway.

Dustkill Solutions for Road Dust

Dustkill provides several types of dust control products that address the specific problem of road dust. When it comes to environmentally safe dust abatement, our products are the most effective and eco-friendly on the market. Each of our dust suppressants addresses a particular need pertaining to road dust control. Whether you need dust control for dirt race tracks, public roadways, gravel roads, unpaved roads or haul roads, we have the perfect product to meet your specific road dust abatement requirements.

Road Dust Products

We provide the following highly effective road dust suppression products:


• 100% agriculturally derived oil that does not mix with water at time of application
• A single application product that can set a stone road surface up like pavement
• Can be driven on immediately
• Ideal for: All Stone Drives, Lots, Public Roadways, Golf Cart Paths, Outdoor Horse Arenas


• 100% agriculturally derived oil that can be mixed with water
• Resistant to cold temperatures
• Ideal for: Dirt Race Tracks & other Outdoor Arenas